Rochdale Riverside – Land Remediation

The LK Group was commissioned by Willmott Dixon to undertake the earthworks and remediation strategy for their development in Rochdale Town Centre.
The Project
Working space on site for The LK Group was limited and the site featured challenging topography. We were required to locate services and coordinate service disconnections as part of our package. We constructed temporary access ramps and piling platforms to allow extensive sheet piling and undertook bulk excavations for the construction of deep attenuation systems and drainage. Following sheet piling and drainage works, we were retained to assist with the main piling works.
The Solution:
The LK Group developed a cost-effective earthworks and remediation strategy, gaining Local Authority approvals. The design of the final scheme was still being developed, so flexibility was essential, particularly concerning the size and position of the piling mats. We dealt with relic structures, including deep foundations and below-ground tanks. We remediated the soils and site-generated materials were utilised to construct the piling mats. All works were carried out under the CL: AIRE Code of Practice. We completed the remediation work and gained full regulatory sign-off
The Benefit Our earthworks and piling mat designs minimised waste to landfills and by maximising the sustainable reuse of materials we also reduced the requirement for imported aggregates. Combining both our in-house consultancy and contracting services meant that we were able to reduce our client’s workload, saving time and money.
Key Facts
Project Name: Rochdale Riverside
Client: Willmott Dixon
Service Provided: Land Remediation
Location: Rochdale Town Centre
Length of Project: 13 Weeks
Services Provided
Land Remediation
We provide effective land remediation contracting services to address contamination and restore site health, paving the way for safe and sustainable development.
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