Primary School – Ground Investigation

The LK Group was commissioned by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council for the extension project at Lammack Primary School. We conducted a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment, Phase 2 Site Investigation, and Completion Reporting.

The Project: 

The LK Group was commissioned by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council for the extension project at Lammack Primary School. We conducted a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment, Phase 2 Site Investigation, and Completion Reporting.

To minimise disruption to students, we collaborated closely with the school caretaker, scheduling site investigation activities over a weekend. This involved conducting 16 window sample boreholes, 14 dynamic cone penetrometer tests, and 2 falling head tests. Additionally, monitoring wells were installed to facilitate gas and groundwater level monitoring over a 3-month period.

Following the investigation, we compiled a comprehensive Phase 2 report encompassing geotechnical and contamination assessments. Notably, after an additional ground gas risk assessment using 2021 data and the 2023 NHBC N94 guidance, we determined that the site posed a low risk of ground gas, removing the need for further protection measures

The Solution: During the site enabling and landscaping phases, we provided additional support by addressing unforeseen challenges. For instance, we identified a previously unnoticed soft spot of deeper made ground consisting of reworked inorganic silt. Working collaboratively with the site manager and structural engineer, we arranged for the material to be excavated and properly stockpiled. Subsequently, we visited the site to collect samples for waste characterisation.

To ensure the successful fulfilment of contaminated land planning conditions, we closely collaborated with the representative from Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and the site manager. Together, we compiled a comprehensive Site Completion Report for the extension work at the end of the construction and landscaping phases.

The Benefit:  

Due to our policy of de-risking sites where possible, we reduced the unnecessary need for remediation and reduced the severity for soil cart-off, thus providing significant savings to the client and smooth travel through the planning process to ultimate sign-off by the Council.

Key Facts

  • Type of project: Education

  • Project Name: Lammack Primary School

  • Service provided: Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment, Phase 2 site investigation, ground & gas monitoring.

  • Location: Blackburn

  • Length of Project: 3 months
