Industrial Brownfield North West- Land Remediaiton

The LK Group was commissioned by Whitecroft Group, the developer and then by CPUK, the main contractor, to develop and deliver a remediation strategy for this challenging site, which was heavily impacted by lead contamination.

The Project: The LK Group was proud to be involved in the regeneration of a site that is home to Chester’s most prominent landmark building. Shot Tower is the only surviving leadworks of its kind. 

Bulk disposal would have proven cost-prohibitive, so an on-site solution was required. Measures also had to be taken to protect the spectacular listed buildings that were being incorporated into the new development. We were required to coordinate an extensive archaeological study and service disconnections as part of our package. The site is fronted by a canal.

The Solution: Our in-house consultancy and contracting divisions worked together to develop a cost-effective earthworks and remediation strategy, gaining Environment Agency and Local Authority approvals. Existing water supplies/discharge points to the canal that penetrated the wall of the watercourse were surveyed, assessed and capped off. Relic structures, including deep foundations and below-ground tanks, were dealt with. Contaminated soils were remediated, and site-generated materials were utilised to construct piling mats.  All works were carried out under the CL: AIRE Code of Practice. The LK Group completed the remediation work and gained full regulatory sign-off.

The Benefit: Our earthworks and piling mat designs minimised waste to landfill and by maximising the sustainable reuse of materials, we also reduced the requirement for imported aggregates. Combining both our in-house consultancy and contracting services meant that we were able to reduce our client’s workload, saving time and money.

Key Facts

  • Project Name: The Shot Tower

  • Client: Whitecroft Group, CPUK

  • Service Provided: Ground Investigation, Land Remediation

  • Location: Chester

  • Length of Project: 10 Weeks
