Brownfield Land – Ground Investigation

The LK Group was commissioned by Taylor Wimpey to undertake a ground investigation at a site with an extensive industrial history adjacent to the River Tame in Manchester.


The site was to be developed for housing and site investigation was required to assess the risks to both the future site residents and the adjacent river. 


Phased site investigation works were undertaken with an initial phase undertaken before the demolition of the former industrial buildings on site. Localised groundwater contamination was identified as associated with the former processes on site but through further targeted investigation it was proved that this did not pose a risk to the adjacent river. Following the demolition of the industrial buildings and a phase of earthworks, the site was deemed suitable for the development of houses.


By developing a full understanding of the contamination risks through a well-designed site investigation the need for unnecessary and costly groundwater remediation was eliminated saving the client £100,000.

Key Facts

  • Who: Taylor Wimpey

  • What : Site Investigation and Assessment

  • Where : Manchester

  • Duration: 12 weeks
