Open Hole Rotary Drilling – Yorkshire
The desk based coal mining risk assessment identified the potential for shallow coal mining at the site. Given the complexities associated with subsurface conditions, The LK Group was engaged to scope a comprehensive site investigation, to ascertain the presence of voids or loss in flush, which could indicate worked seams or broken strata.
What is Open Hole Rotary Drilling?
Open hole rotary drilling is a crucial technique used to explore subsurface conditions, particularly in areas where traditional drilling methods may not be effective. This method involves drilling a large diameter hole into the ground, allowing us to obtain continuous core samples of the geological formations. The data collected during this process helps engineers and geologists assess soil and rock properties, identify potential hazards and make informed decisions regarding construction and land use.
Open Hole Rotary Drilling
How long
1 Week
Informed on the necessity of grout
We carried out a comprehensive programme of rotary open hole boring in the areas of concern, reaching depths of approximately 40 meters below ground level (mbgl). The strata were meticulously logged according to BS5930, a British standard that provides guidelines for ground investigation. During the drilling, loss of flush was noted in several locations, indicating the likely presence of worked seams and possible voids, which are critical factors in assessing site safety and stability.
Information that we provided to the client informed the necessity to grout within the footprint of the proposed buildings.