Battery Storage Farm- Ground Investigation

The Project
The LK Group was commissioned by Pegasus Group and Balance Power to support the development of a large-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) at Moor Hall, Bexhill. As part of this initiative, LK Group’s role focused on a comprehensive site investigation and a groundwater monitoring programme to inform and support the construction process. Additionally, water retention ponds were planned as part of the site’s drainage infrastructure to ensure sustainable water management. The project aims to provide critical storage infrastructure that will stabilise energy supply in the region, supporting increased use of renewable energy sources.
Solution Provided
The LK Group developed a tailored solution involving site investigation and ongoing groundwater monitoring over a nine-month period. Four window sample boreholes were drilled at strategic locations across the site, and monitoring wells were installed to track groundwater levels and movement. Monitoring works are still ongoing and will inform the design of water retention ponds as part of the overall drainage strategy for the site which is crucial for planning the construction and long-term stability of the BESS system.
The information gathered from the monitoring wells not only helps determine the most suitable foundation design but also plays a pivotal role in the design and placement of water retention ponds. These ponds are integral to the site’s drainage infrastructure, helping manage surface water flow and maintain groundwater balance in the area.
Client Benefits
The initial scope from Pegasus Group and Balance Power specified repeat soakaway testing, which posed the risk of significantly disrupting the site’s current agricultural use. The LK’s tailored approach, focusing on window sample boreholes and groundwater monitoring wells, offered a less invasive solution that minimised site disruption, delivered cost efficiencies, and maintained the land’s agricultural integrity. Although there was no requirement to implement any specific innovation the LK’s approach emphasised tailored solutions to maximise site efficiency and maintain operational continuity.
Key Facts
Project Name: Moor Hall BESS
Client: Pegasus Group and Balance Power
Service Provided: Site Investigation and Groundwater Monitoring
Location: Bexhill, East Sussex
Project Duration: 9 Months
Services Provided
Ground Investigation
Our team of geo-environmental consultants conduct thorough site investigations to assess ground conditions, ensuring informed decision-making for your projects.
Read moreGroundwater Monitoring
Groundwater levels inform site design, helping address foundation and dewatering needs.
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