Let’s talk about the menopause…

World Menopause Day
Oct 18, 2022 News

Did you know that one in four women will consider leaving their job as a result of their menopausal symptoms? 

Menopause STILL remains a taboo subject, particularly within the workplace, where each and every one of your female colleagues will at some point, go through what can often be experienced an all-encompassing transition.  

At The LK Group, we are breaking the stigma associated with the menopause and we are excited to announce we have appointed our first Menopause Ambassador. We value the health and well-being of our colleagues, and we are working to ensure that menopause is embraced by both our male and female team members.

coffee and biscuits

Today, on World Menopause Day, our menopause ambassador, Angela is hosting a coffee and biscuits drop-in session for the LK team at our head office in Manchester. This is a freeform, open discussion to foster awareness and build support around the subject, which will help our colleagues to understand the mental and physical changes that can occur during perimenopause and menopause and provide them with the tools and treatments needed to manage these. The theme for this year is brain fog and memory difficulties in menopause.  

Angela is here not only to advise our female colleagues but also our male colleagues, who may have family or friends going experiencing the menopause and want some advice on how they can help, understand and support those they know at home or in the office. 

Angela has been hard at work, and we have recently launched our Menopause Policy, which aims to foster an environment in which our colleagues can openly and comfortably instigate conversations or engage in discussions about the menopause.  

So, come on… let’s talk about the menopause. 

drop-in session for the LK team