Filming for Channel 4 affordable housing documentary

affordable housing documentary
Aug 21, 2019 News

Our Peter Dunn was filmed carrying out a geoenvironmental investigation on-site in Manchester for a Channel 4 affordable housing documentary. This marked the first visit to the site for the film crew. They planned to film the entire build process of this new-build affordable housing development.

More about this affordable housing film

The documentary aired in 2020 and marked the centenary of affordable housing in the UK, celebrating the implementation of the Housing, Town Planning, &c. Act of 1919, also known as the Addison Act, after Dr Christopher Addison.

The Act’s original aim was to enable the building of new houses following the First World War. It marked the beginning of a long 20th-century tradition of state-owned housing, which eventually evolved into council estates. The Addison Act of 1919 laid the foundation for state-owned housing in the UK, addressing post-war housing shortages. Its legacy continues today, influencing modern affordable housing projects and policies aimed at tackling the housing crisis and ensuring accessible homes for all.

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