Coronavirus (Covid-19) Policy
1. Overview
1.1 The LK Group (the Company) regards the health, safety, and welfare of its staff, interested parties and customers who may be affected by its activities as being of prime importance. It will take all reasonable steps to ensure that its activities do not put anyone at significant risk of injury or ill health.
1.2 The Company has specific responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). Our employees may also be subject to action by the authorities arising under the Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020.
1.3 The purpose of this Policy is to provide clear guidance during the coronavirus pandemic and the steps the Company will take to limit the spread of the outbreak.
1.4 This Policy applies to all employees entering our offices and performing duties on sites controlled by The LK Group. Any additional procedures enforced by third parties on sites not controlled by The LK Group should be adhered to accordingly, notwithstanding those outlined in this procedure.
1.5 Private health and personal data will always be treated securely and with confidentiality, in accordance with other relevant Company Policies.
1.6 This Policy applies from May 2020 for such time as the directors require it to be in place.
1.7 This policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional government guidelines. Any changes will be communicated to all staff by email.
2. Policy
2.1 The Company recognises the risks associated with coronavirus and will take reasonable steps to ensure that it does not put the health, safety, and welfare of its staff, interested parties or customers at an unacceptable risk. To achieve this:
The Company will monitor and act upon the latest official guidance produced by the government and the World Health Organisation. Conor Leyden will review and publish all relevant sources of guidance to the rest of the Company on a regular basis.
The Company will work with its suppliers and industry partners to ensure its actions are in line with others to promote best practice.
The Company will provide regular updates which identify the current risk levels and appropriate control measures.
All employees must follow the instruction of the board and other nominated senior management. Failure to do so will be treated as misconduct and Company disciplinary procedures will be implemented.
All site management to ensure their staff and contractors are aware of the risks and what to do if they believe they have been exposed to coronavirus or may be infected.
Any functions which can be carried out via remote working will be considered and accommodated where possible.
2.2 Where work at our premises can continue:
The manager overseeing the cleaning of the premises will liaise with staff and/or contractors as applicable to ensure that appropriate routine cleaning, and where needed deep cleaning, arrangements are in place.
Notices will be displayed describing rules for use of the premises such as the use of hand sanitiser at entrances and social distancing measures.
If anyone presents themselves for work or to complete their contracted duties and displays signs of illness, they are to be sent home and to stay at home for at least ten days.
If a staff member reports that someone else in the household has coronavirus symptoms, or they have been contacted by the NHS Track & Trace Service, they are to be instructed to stay at home for at least 14 days, and if they begin to display symptoms themselves, they must stay at home for ten days from when the symptoms begin.
For functions not appropriate for homeworking, staggered working patterns and other measures will be taken to ensure service standards are maintained as much as possible whilst maintaining social distancing.
The Company may implement staggered break times to reduce the number of staff in one area at a time, and may permit different start and finish times where this is convenient and helps staff to avoid the busiest times on public transport.
Measures will be taken to enable social distancing to be maintained between staff and any visitors.
The management team will ensure that regular safety checks are carried out and recorded if the person usually in charge of various duties cannot carry them out. These checks include testing alarm systems, testing emergency lighting, checking fire doors, checking fire extinguishers, water hygiene testing.
2.3 Universal measures:
Statutory sick pay will be paid from day one instead of day four for those employees who need to take time off work due to coronavirus or coronavirus related self-isolation.
So far as practicable, managers must encourage and enforce the application of the rules described in the “Employee Responsibilities” section below.
The management team will plan to ensure that health, safety and hygiene standards are maintained. Risk assessments will be reviewed to take account of likely changes in the short term, e.g. short staffing, absence of key staff, the need to evacuate premises temporarily and lack of materials. Where work cannot continue safely and with the required standard of emergency back-up, e.g. rescue arrangements, fire safety and first aid, the activity will be stopped until alternative health and safety arrangements can be put in place.
Where statutory examinations of premises or vehicles fall due in a period when such services are scarce or unavailable, the management will put in place plans consistent with government advice, whether that involves a permitted extension to the due date or, as necessary, ceasing the use of an installation, piece of equipment or vehicle until it can be declared safe and compliant.
Where all or part of a premises or site must be temporarily decommissioned, the management will put in place a plan for safely shutting down and subsequent recommissioning.
The Company will review and amend our other policies as required in line with government guidance and temporary legislation during the pandemic. These policies include but are not limited to: driving policy, working from home policy, lone working policy.
2.4 Employee responsibilities:
All staff and contractors are to follow the government’s published guidance on hygiene.
If anyone believes they have symptoms of coronavirus, however mild, they are to self-isolate for the recommended period. If they need clinical advice, they should visit NHS 111 online or call 111 if they do not have internet access. In an emergency, they should call 999. In addition, they are to contact their line manager in line with the Absence Management Policy.
If anyone believes they are infected, or infection is confirmed by a medical practitioner, they may not work or complete their contracted duties until they can confirm they no longer present a risk to others.
Employees have a vital role to play in the prevention of coronavirus spreading in the workplace. To achieve this:
- Employees must wash their hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and hot water, particularly after coughing, sneezing, and blowing their nose, or after being in public areas. Hand sanitiser with an alcohol content of over 60% should be used if there is no soap and running water.
- When employees are in the LK office, face coverings i.e. masks or visors should be worn for the duration of their time in the building. Visors may be worn when seated at desks, however, employees are requested to wear masks when moving around the building. Masks may be removed temporarily for eating or drinking.
- When employees cough or sneeze, they should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue and throw the tissue away immediately, or sneeze into the crook of their elbow if they do not have a tissue. They should then wash their hands or use a hand sanitising gel if hand washing facilities are unavailable.
- If staff feel unwell or develop symptoms at work, they should immediately inform their line manager who will send them home. If for any reason the individual cannot leave the premises immediately, they will be required to isolate themselves from other members of staff until they leave.
- If staff have symptoms of coronavirus or live with someone who does, they should follow the guidance provided in Section 2.2 above.
- Staff should practice social distancing as much as possible.
- Staff must frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, where they have been instructed to do so, using the materials supplied.
- Where possible, employees may be asked to work from home, and they are expected to co-operate to make this work. If for any reason this is not possible, employees should discuss this with their employer to reach a sensible compromise.
- Employees should always follow government guidance.
The LK Group will take all measures within its power to ensure that employees are able to follow the guidelines for their personal circumstances. Any change in circumstances should be communicated to your manager as soon as possible.
Employees should refer to the Grievance Policy if they have any concerns regarding the work they are asked to do.
2.5 Gatherings and meetings
To limit the spread of coronavirus the following steps will be taken to maximise social distancing:
- All meetings will be carried out via video link or conference call where possible.
- Start times and break times may be staggered to avoid overcrowding and enable social distancing to take place.
- Working from home will be instigated where possible.
- Non-essential use of public transport by our staff will be avoided.
- Government social distancing measures will be followed.
3. Information and Training
3.1 All employees should ensure that they are familiar with the current government alert level and NHS guidance available on the relevant websites (,
3.2 Further information can also be obtained from the World Health Organisation at
3.3 Specific guidance for travelling, offices and the construction industry can be found at the following locations:
Working safely during COVID-19 in offices and contact centres,, published 11 May 2020, updated 7 January 2021.
Working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work,, published 11 May 2020, updated 7 January 2021.
Construction Sector – Site Operating Procedures Protecting Your Workforce During Coronavirus (Covid-19),, Version 7, published 7 January 2021.
Staying safe outside your home,,published 9 September 2-21
updated 7 January 2021